To measure and count a variety of items, different types of weighing scales are used. The Hanging Scales and Counting Scales are also two essential types used for measuring the weights of different items. Both these weighing scales are used in different industries for different weighing applications. Though the purpose of these weighing scales is the same, they use different algorithms for measuring weight.

In this blog, we share a few differences between hanging and counting scales. It will help one understand how they are different from each other.

Counting Scales


In Terms of Design

A hanging scale is a weighing scale with a hook for suspending items on one side. On the other side, a display unit shows the measured weight. In comparison, the counting scale is a type of weighing scale with a flat platform for placing the items that need to be weighed. A display unit is also attached to the counting scales that display the items’ weight or counting.

In Terms of Accuracy

Accuracy plays a significant role when it comes to weighing scales. However, when comparing hanging scales and counting scales, the hanging scales don’t offer great Accuracy. It is because the weighing item is suspended from a hook for measuring the weight. It doesn’t remain still and moves, making it difficult to get an accurate reading.

The counting scales offer more Accuracy in comparison to hanging scales. With the help of counting scales, it is possible to measure even minor differences in weight. It is also possible to measure the weight of a single item with the help of the internal algorithm used in counting scales.

In Terms of Capacity

The capacity of hanging scales is low in comparison to the capacity of counting scales. Hanging scales are suitable for measuring heavy-weight items up to 1000 kg. However, they are not apt to measure small things’ weight in large quantities. In comparison, the counting scales have great capacity and can measure weight up to 30,000 kg. Unlike hanging scales, it is easier to easily weigh small items in large quantities.

In Terms of Applications

Hanging Scales are mainly used for weighing heavy machinery, fish, animal feed, luggage at airports, agriculture, and fishing. In comparison, counting scales are used mainly in warehousing, manufacturing, quality control, inventory management, pharmaceutical, and retail stores. From counting pills to counting coins, it is used in several counting applications.

We hope these differences help you understand how hanging scales and counting scales are different from each other. If you require any of these two or both weighing scales, buy from Samurai Technoweigh. They are one of the well-known manufacturers and suppliers of weighing scales in India. Connect with them and get the required weighing scale at cost-effective prices.


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